The Ninth Sorceress Cover Reveal!

I was very excited this week to finally share the cover reveal for The Ninth Sorceress. Isn’t she beautiful? You can add her on Goodreads in advance of her launch on 13 February next year.

The response to the cover has been overwhelming, and I wanted to thank everyone for their support over the last few days. The book community has been so welcoming to this novice author, and I’ve met so many amazing authors and readers and bookstagrammers over the past year. Without you, I’m just a shouty weirdo blabbing into the void. Thank you!

My proof copy has just arrived in the mail (yay!), and I’m looking forward to trying my hand at some bookstagram shots in the not-too-distant future. In the meantime, I’ll be diving back into the world of The Ninth Sorceress and trying to track down any last-minute errors, typos and inconsistencies. Wish me luck!

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