Aurealis Award Nominee!

Have you heard the news? Netherfield Park is let at last — and The Ninth Sorceress is an Aurealis Award Nominee! Yep – she’s up for Best Fantasy Novel of 2020.

I am, to say the least, amazed. Small first novels from indie publishers don’t usually get noticed for any kind of awards, much less the most prestigious genre awards in Australia. The other nominees in my category include past winners, super-popular authors from big publishers, and, um, GARTH NIX. Absolutely bonkers that I used to read his books after school in the library and now I’m running against him in the country’s biggest fantasy award.

As the underdog I have no expectation of actually winning my category, but I’m thrilled to be nominated. When I got the news on April 1st I was pretty sure I was the victim of an elaborate April Fools. Me, Bonnie Wynne, sitting at the table with the best writers in the biz.

BIG thank you to the judges who put me there, and the readers who’ve been so wonderful in supporting my little wizard book. It’s probably the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to me. So, you know. Thank you.