New Year, New Book

It’s 2020, and I decided to ring in the new year by starting work on Book 3 of The Price of Magic saga. I know, right? Book 1 isn’t even out yet! Slow down!

But that’s showbiz, baby. The production line keeps clanking along with all its deadlines and editing rounds and admin tasks, and I’ve got to stay on top of it. I was always that weirdo who did their essay the day it was assigned rather than waiting until the last minute.

My process for starting a new book goes something like this:

  • I make a list, in no particular order, of all the important things that need to happen in the book.
  • I identify the ‘set pieces’ – the big, pivotal, exciting and/or dramatic moments that make the reader go wow!
  • I arrange those events into a chronological order that makes sense.
  • I add ‘connective tissue’ – how are these events linked, how does one lead on to the other, what changes (in the world or in the characters) would spring from those events, what smaller things might logically happen inbetween the events.
  • I split the complete narrative into Part I, Part II and Part III (this is the structure I settled on for The Ninth Sorceress, and I’m sticking with it for future books).
  • I look for holes. Is there anything that doesn’t make sense, narratively or emotionally? Are there stretches where not much is happening? Are the set pieces too close together, or too far apart?
  • I identify themes, messages or lessons that might arise naturally from those events.
  • I brainstorm sub-plots that could fit into the story and expand on the themes.

And… that’s about it! I don’t do a granular, scene-by-scene outline. I prefer to go with the flow and see what emerges. 50% gardener, 50% architect.

Right now, my process involves banging out 1,000 words for every day that I’m home (so holidays and weekends). Pretty low-key schedule, but I have to fit it around the editing I’m doing on Book 2. Once I hand that baby in, I’ll be able to focus more on Book 3. Full steam ahead!

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